Award Winning & Accredited

Journal of Wound Care
Innovation in Wound Care
2019, 2021

Irish Times Innovation Award
Overall Winner
The Products
HidraWear can be worn throughout the day and/or overnight.

What is HidraWear?
HidraWear is the world’s first and only Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) specific wound dressing system, intended for use by people with wounds in difficult to dress areas of the body, such as the armpit, buttocks & groin.
The system is made up of three parts:

Body Conforming Garment

Wound Dressing & External Fasteners

Targeted Treatment Area
The Products
HidraWear can be worn throughout the day and/or overnight.
The Benefits
HidraWear use leads to a demonstrated improvement in patient quality of life, provides patient confidence in the ability of the dressing to stay in place and not leak versus traditional wound dressing products and techniques and empowers HS patients to self-manage their wound care.

Skin Friendly

Highly Absorbent

Adhesive Free

Flexible Movement

Easy to Use
