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Dealers & Retailers

Westech works with many professional Home Health Care retailers and dealers across Canada. There are over 10,000 community pharmacies across the country many dedicating staff and retail space to mobility products and rehab specialties.

In every province, there are dedicated dealers, that focus on mobility, seating, home health and consumables such as incontinence and ostomy products. Their staff are specially trained and meet industry standards to make sure they are available to help the end user, the professional health care worker, the family members and the funding sources meet Canadians’ needs in this complicated industry.

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Local Stores

Local stores have the professionals that can meet your needs and understand specific requirements in your area. Showrooms and fast delivery make product decisions much easier.

Understand Provincial Funding Programs

Funding for assistive devices may be available in the province that you reside. Your local home health store is likely the best place to get information that will help you and your family members make product purchasing decisions.

Choice is Key

It is important that clients recognize they have options.  There is not only choice about which product you choose, but who helps you make the crucial product decisions.

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